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Samsonovskaya-Zapadnaya mine is cut off from electricity after artillery shelling

18 August 2014

A shelling by artillery on August 17 damaged the distributor transformer substation of the Samsonovskaya-Zapadnaya mine and electricity transmission lines. Workers were safely evacuated to the surface using a diesel Dalgakiran generator purchased earlier by Metinvest Group’s Krasnodon Coal. There were no fatalities or injuries.

The Samsonovskaya-Zapadnaya mine is located in an area where there has been ongoing military activity for several days, near the Novohannivka, Khryaschuvate and Novosvitlivka settlements. Heavy artillery damaged the mine’s infrastructure.

Operations at the mine have been suspended. Specialists are working to restore electricity supply to switch the mine to standby mode. The plant’s crisis center and a special committee are identifying the scale of the damage.

Almost all of the structural units of Krasnodon Coal have been affected by military activity. The Company is fully prepared to evacuate people and emergency situations.